
We are Gog Magog Molly – welcome!
We are a mixed molly side based in Cambridge. We perform our own not-so-traditional style of brightly coloured, geometric, high-energy molly dancing.
We have practice weekends throughout the year for our members around the country and also practise on Tuesday evenings in Cambridge. If you would like to try out our unique brand of molly dancing, please do come along! Contact us to find out when and where we’ll next be practising.
Contact us: contact (at) gogmagogmolly.org.uk. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter.
Statement on inclusivity
Morris dancing is a unique cultural tradition, of which Gog Magog Molly are proud to be a part. As such, we are adding our voice to the increasingly loud chorus of sides to assert that we reject divisive white supremacist and white nationalistic ideologies, and any attempts to co-opt our tradition for racist ends. We want people from all races, nationalities and backgrounds to share in this pride and not to be made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome by any element of our performance or our community. Gog Magog Molly values difference and inclusivity, and welcomes dancers and musicians from all races, nationalities, gender identities and sexual orientations to our team. We work hard to maintain dance standards, keep our traditions alive and have fun in a welcoming and inclusive team environment. There is no place in our side for racism or other forms of bigotry.